Thursday, 16 January 2014

Warsash & Hook round walk.

Today a local friend took me on one of her favourite walks - which was fabulous as this walk is close to my home but I hadn't known the route despite having lived here twelve years now.
I love discovering new places to walk and it's always a bonus if they're close to home.
The walk included gigantic puddles and much mud thanks to the almost continuous rainfall recently.
We also saw ponies, the sea (which was choppy and this is called "galloping white horses" apparently - a new phrase to me having grown up inland in North Yorkshire - and seeing the sea was a rare treat!).
We went past chilling electrical substation and pylons that were flooded. We could see Fawley Power Station across the Solent. There were beautiful rushes, windswept grasses, the pebble beach and an amazing array of multilayered clouds in colour washed shades of greys, whites and blues. I find the contrast between industrial urban landscape and nature at its finest fascinating. We tramped merrily on our way - salt wind in our hair - wellie-clad feet squishing along the sodden landscape.
There are chocolate box thatched cottages and millionaires houses aplenty hidden along the shoreline.
I discovered a beautiful park full of grand ancient horse chestnut trees and bramble dens - a perfect spot for children to play all day.
We looked at St Mary's Church in Warsash too. The trees outside are starting to blossom already as the winter has been mild (though stormy!).
Here are a few photos I took along the way:

We finished our outing with a delicious pub lunch at the Rising Sun pub in Warsash.

Location:Downland Close,Southampton,United Kingdom

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