There's only about five minutes between the school term ending and Christmas Eve, therefore we are getting on with some christmas projects as quickly as we can.
The real tree has been brought in from the cold and decorated...in part, it is still awaiting adornment of the gilded pine cones we made today (waiting for the paint to dry so we can thread them to hang on the tree).

We collected the pine cones a few weeks ago and have been drying them on the radiators since.

The children helped to spray the cones...so the inevitable happened....

Oh well, the children had fun, and the cones are a sight to behold in all their gilded glory. I think the tree will look a lot happier when these are added to the other random assortment of decorations!
We have also baked some Christmas tree biscuits using our traditional family recipe, and they are evidently delicious. Alfred's best friend Edward ate several!

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