We had agreed with the children to get up at 7am this year....not before. Due to a clock setting fail the children were up at 6am so next year we will be sure to check all clocks (including those in gadgets like Nintendo DS's) are set correctly!
The children were pleased to see that Santa had been and finished his milk and biscuits, Rudolph and friends had also nibbled the carrot too.
With the evidence checked to verify the reality of Santa's existence we then proceeded to the living room to see if anybody had made it off the "naughty list" in time to receive presents!

Presents all round, Santa is clearly a very forgiving person! Everyone was excited about their presents.

Lily received a mini sewing machine amongst other items.

Jeremy had always wanted a Bodrum apparently.

Alfie was thrilled with his noisy machine gun (thanks Grandma Marie)!

More sweets!

I got some lovely presents myself too...

Rowanne liked her new scrapbook kit.
After a good breakfast of Quality Street sweets and crackers with cheese, we popped the turkey in the oven (with the assistance of a free iPhone app as the instruction label had fallen off) and went to visit Grandma Gloria and Grandad Peter (waves hello)!

We came home in time to prepare the Christmas veg and baste the turkey, and everyone enjoyed a good play with their new toys after a delicious lunch.
