Today I was woken up very early by Lily - who was complaining her eyes were stuck together (she meant the eyelids!).... then Rowanne was complaining that her eyes felt funny... and we quickly established that they both had conjuntivitis!
As this is highly contagious - they are not allowed to school until the infection has cleared up. So - that's it - end of term already for us. The children were due to break up on Friday, so now I need to organise the bringing home of all their stuff - pe kits, christmas makes and art work etc.
I'm hoping a kind friend (preferably one with a car!), will help out.
Lily is also full of cold and quite miserable with it - and when Lily is not happy - none of us are happy!
She cheered up a little when helping me to bath Alfie but that did not last long!

We tried making paper chains, which was okay for a short time - as was watching cartoons - but all in all, it was a difficult day.
Lily and Rowanne saw the dr in the morning about their eyes - and he gave a "delayed prescription" only to be used if really necessary - and for the next few days I am to bathe the eyes about 4 x per day and let their bodies immune system try to clear the infection before the antibiotic droppers are used.
I took Alfie along in his babyhawk sling with minkee lining (lovely soft furry stuff!) and threw the Aiska poncho over us to keep warm - this was much quicker than getting his snowsuit on and fastening him into the pram. I didn't even need a nappy bag, as he had just done a huge poop (and been changed!) before setting there was no risk of him doing another one while out!
Luckily we saw Dr McFarlane - who is a lot like "Doc Martin" (played by Martin Clunes!), which meant there was no long wait.....what he lacks in social graces he totally makes up with in efficiency!
Everyone ate a different lunch - it was totally disorganised - everyone was fed - but as I had expected them to be at school nothing had been planned in advance - which led to more grumbles and people eating one after another rather than together. Dinner was only beans on toast - met with strong protests - and a lot of arguing before they ate up and then concluded that beans on toast was a nice dinner after all!!!
Tomorrow WILL be more organised. I am hoping there will be butternut squash at the shops - I plan to make a "nigella" soup - without the blue cheese swirl though - although they will be allowed a yoghurt swirl instead!
Alfie is eating really well at the moment - and is still breastfed inbetween, which is just aswell, his immune system will need all the help it can get in our household - because the girls going to school bring plenty of sniffles and tummy upsets home.
I'm finally going to bed now - VERY late indeed. At least the baby is sleeping soundly right now...
As this is highly contagious - they are not allowed to school until the infection has cleared up. So - that's it - end of term already for us. The children were due to break up on Friday, so now I need to organise the bringing home of all their stuff - pe kits, christmas makes and art work etc.
I'm hoping a kind friend (preferably one with a car!), will help out.
Lily is also full of cold and quite miserable with it - and when Lily is not happy - none of us are happy!
She cheered up a little when helping me to bath Alfie but that did not last long!
We tried making paper chains, which was okay for a short time - as was watching cartoons - but all in all, it was a difficult day.
Lily and Rowanne saw the dr in the morning about their eyes - and he gave a "delayed prescription" only to be used if really necessary - and for the next few days I am to bathe the eyes about 4 x per day and let their bodies immune system try to clear the infection before the antibiotic droppers are used.
I took Alfie along in his babyhawk sling with minkee lining (lovely soft furry stuff!) and threw the Aiska poncho over us to keep warm - this was much quicker than getting his snowsuit on and fastening him into the pram. I didn't even need a nappy bag, as he had just done a huge poop (and been changed!) before setting there was no risk of him doing another one while out!
Luckily we saw Dr McFarlane - who is a lot like "Doc Martin" (played by Martin Clunes!), which meant there was no long wait.....what he lacks in social graces he totally makes up with in efficiency!
Everyone ate a different lunch - it was totally disorganised - everyone was fed - but as I had expected them to be at school nothing had been planned in advance - which led to more grumbles and people eating one after another rather than together. Dinner was only beans on toast - met with strong protests - and a lot of arguing before they ate up and then concluded that beans on toast was a nice dinner after all!!!
Tomorrow WILL be more organised. I am hoping there will be butternut squash at the shops - I plan to make a "nigella" soup - without the blue cheese swirl though - although they will be allowed a yoghurt swirl instead!
Alfie is eating really well at the moment - and is still breastfed inbetween, which is just aswell, his immune system will need all the help it can get in our household - because the girls going to school bring plenty of sniffles and tummy upsets home.
I'm finally going to bed now - VERY late indeed. At least the baby is sleeping soundly right now...
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