Sunday, 28 April 2013

Rowanne and Alfred are Baptised into the Catholic Faith.

Rowanne and Alfred have been baptised at last! They felt they were missing out as older siblings are already baptised. Somehow we hadn't got around to organising their baptisms as babies. Rowanne decided to get things organised herself by approaching our priest Father John on Christmas Eve and so the plans began!
Baptism classes were attended, God Parents were chosen and invited, and to our immense happiness and honour both sets of godparents were able and willing to travel all the way from lands afar for the children's special day!
Thank you to Joe and Teresa Martin for travelling from Colorado Springs USA, and to John and Linda Tye for travelling from Tysnes Norway.
Thank you also to John Tye for taking photos and making a video of the special day.
Click here to view a short video of the Baptism

Thank you also to our family and friends who sent their good wishes and to those who were able to attend this memorable day.