Today we went for a walk near Lyndhurst in the New Forest.

We were supposed to pass a Portuguese fireplace in the woods which was there from when prisoners were kept in huts there during WW1. There was also a Reptile Center we would have passed... However, this summer we've had so much rain that the footpath was very muddy indeed. We tried going off the pathway a bit but it became apparent that the whole of the area was in the same state.

We persevered for around a mile and at the point where we kept ending up to our knees in bog we had to turn back. We hope to do the walk again sometime because if the ground was drier it would have been a very nice walk.

The New Forest is beautiful and we did see some wild ponies on our way back to the car.

After our walk we visited the traditional sweet shop in Lyndhurst which is always a treat, and then a quick look at the cars in the Ferrari garage.