Monday, 16 March 2009

A nice spring day!

Alfie enjoyed a bit of sunshine sitting in his pram - he's reached that age where he likes to throw the toys out - then yell until someone comes and hands them back!

Lily was still not feeling very well (she's still not better yet after having flu, then an ear infection resulting in a burst eardrum - because its not the policy for the dr to give antibiotics for childrens ear infections any more.....), but she did sit at the table to play with the playdough - which is always theraputic!

Gabi gave the ferrets a much needed spring clean!

We were able to dust off the rotary airer and hang some washing out for a change - giving the tumble dryer a rest (and saving us using the expensive electricity!).

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Sun's out!

It's a beautiful spring day. Poor lily at school on her birthday!

Monday, 2 March 2009

Quick "Alfred" update!

The little boy is changing so quickly now he's reached 8 months old. Just this weekend - he has got his first tooth and also learned how to stand up at the cot bars!

He is now crawling, and can sit himself up from laying down too.

Farm visit!

What better to do on the first Sunday in March - but visit a farm - and not a little lamb was there in sight! Still - there were pleanty of goats - and some fun things to do.

The children enjoyed milking some wooden cows (really!), and riding on some big go-karts.